Monday, March 1, 2010

Sidewalk Art, Out of Body Experiences, and the Nature of Reality 

 How do you understand perspective and the tricks our mind plays upon us and our perceptions?  Look at the images of sidewalk art.  The enchantment comes from how easily we shift frames in these amazing 2-Dimensional images that convey such a dramatic 3-D experience.  

Consider the recent evidence that Out of Body Experiences can be induced experimentally with the use of virtual mannequins.

Let these things percolate for a moment and then consider that we are always seeing a map, a representation of the world that reflects the sum of our pas experience (and the conditioning of our cognitions), our bias arising from limbic centers regulating emotions, and various other contributing factors.

Our understanding of reality should reflect the fact of such oddities in our cognitive function.  It should also give us all pause when we become too self-assured about what we know.

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